Tanika Sep 9, 2022SMART Goals for Wellness and FitnessTo work towards improving one' wellness and health, it is important to consider SPECIFIC goals, MEASURE your progress, aim for...
Tanika Sep 2, 2022Effective Chair Exercises To Do at Your Desk Does your body ache frequently while sitting down at your desk? This could be due to sitting for a long period of time throughout the...
Tanika Jul 30, 20225 Tips to Balance the Mind and Body Do you often feel stressed or can’t seem to juggle everything in your life? This can occur due to having a busy schedule, personal...
Tanika Jul 30, 2022Promote Healthy EatingSometimes it can be difficult to maintain a healthy eating pattern due to various life factors. WHY IS HEALTHY EATING IMPORTANT? Elevate...
Tanika Jul 15, 2022How to maintain a daily fitness routineRegular exercise has so many benefits. It can help towards certain health issues, boost your mood, relieve stress, increase your energy,...
Tanika Jul 15, 20225 Steps to a Better Night's SleepHaving a good night's sleep has some great benefits to consider such as a better mindset, lower risk of certain health problems, weight...
Tanika Aug 3, 2021Healthy FatsHealthy fats are just what they sound like... fatty foods that you can feel good about eating! Eating these foods can also satisfy your...
Tanika Feb 27, 2021Understanding Food LabelEver wonder what nutrients are in certain food products you buy? What does it mean and is it beneficial for your diet? The Nutrition...